Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Trip so far..
It is 3 in the morning, going on day 4 of being in the USA, jet lag should be improving but it isn't. I should've known that I would struggle with it, since I am such a sensitive sleeper. It is okay, jet lag is worth seeing everyone and being here.
Everyone is asking about the engagement and the ring, I would be happy to talk about it. lol. I am so excited, never been happier. I truly didn't think I would ever get married. I love looking back, reading my past journals of how my thoughts on marriage have changed. In my goal book, (a book I started when I was 18) I wrote the following: New car by 18, bachelor's degree by 22, marriage by 24, first baby by 26. CAN you believe that! That didn't work as planned, but I am happy with how my life has worked out. I was really never single until 27, then when I became single I went a few years thinking marriage was a big joke. I wasn't around many couples who I can actually say are happy. In fact I think I could count them on one hand. So why would anybody want to get married? And the fact of it ever coming to an end would be just devastating.
Ok, I am getting off track. My whole point is how I progressed through the years while I was maturing myself. I truly know why people want to get married. Why they want to take their relationship to another level. The love I have for Jordan is so deep, it hurts at times. I lay in bed looking at him, thanking GOD for him. I even miss him when he is laying next to me. It is so nice to have someone you can spend every waking hour with, and want more. I love how we were friends first, and we have a good story to how we met and got together. Can you tell I am in love!
Engagement: Well, we both knew we were going to be getting engaged. We designed the ring together. We decided to do this while I was in China. Not sure how exactly, just started talking about rings, and it fell into place. He spent hours shopping, he would send me pictures, but there was never one perfect ring that we both fell in love with. It was important for me that he chose it, so the process started. We found a website that designs the style I like, vintage. After a few weeks, it was ready. Jordan wouldn't let me see it of course, he actually said if I asked one more time I wouldn't get it!
Finally, the arrival time came at the airport. I made him promise me that he wouldn't propose there, since my emotions were so brittle I don't think I could've handled it. I seriously would've curled up in a little ball and sobbed. After flying for 15 hours, not sleeping for 24, anticipation of seeing everyone, I didn't want this big scene. He showed up at that airport with a dozen roses, my dog, and a bottle of wine! After some long awaited kisses and tears, we headed home. He took me to the Wigwam Resort, one of my favorite places to stay. We had the Litchfield Suite (Huge two bedroom suite with a bar and fireplace). We walked in to rose pedals every where, fire lit, champagne, the WORKS. We ended up walking straight to the bed, I laid down, took a deep breath and said thank you to him. We were kissing and I wanted him to take his dress shirt off. (He hates dressing up). He said no, said he had something to take care of. Got down on one knee, tears were flowing (me), then he said it! I hugged him and of course said yes. The ring is absolutely beautiful! I will post a picture. We spent the next two days at the resort. I slept mainly, he relaxed.
SO, with all that said, my first few days home have been amazing. Sunday I did have a bit of sensory overload. You get used to not seeing much color, used to not being able to communicate or listen to strangers since they don't speak our language, so it can be a little overwhelming at times. However, I am enjoying the fresh air, sunlight, good food, and so much more. I will blog about my true feelings about the entire trip when I get back. Jordan moves with me! We leave January 6th. Going to enjoy each and every moment of my time here, since it will fly by.
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
3 more sleeps until:
-See the man I love (4 months and 19 days has brought us closer then ever, and to be honest it has been easy. The first few weeks I would say I had tears every time we talked on Skype) Being apart from someone for this long makes you learn so much more about them. We spent endless hours, I mean 4 to 5 hours every Sunday, 2 hours everyday at least, looking at eachother on a computer screen. We laughed, cried, loved, told stories, played games, shopped, it was fabulous. We made sacrifices like not going out on weekends so we could talk, and the POOR man even woke up at 4:30AM before work to talk with me for 2 hours? I love him...
-See my precious dog...Marley, my Boston Terrier has also been the hardest to leave, Jordan has been a good dad though, his mom loves him to death as well, she will be the proud grandmother who gets to keep him while we are gone the next 5 months. (my mom doesn't want him:() lol.
-See my family. I miss my nieces and nephew so much it hurts. Amazing how you can love children so deeply it really pains you. Of course I miss my other family and friends as well, but they all have their own lives so it hasn't hurt so much.
-See the sunlight with fresh air.
-Drive a car, I miss the freedom more then you know. Just to be able to go at my own will is going to be great.
-Not have to carry an umbrella, carry cards for each location with Chinese addresses (You give them to the driver since you can't speak the language, which takes time, you have to plan ahead when you are going or else he will make you GET OUT).
-Not wear a scarf (Is there a point to wearing them? I wear them daily but they don't do much for me).
-Eat GOOD FOOD. By good I mean unhealthy but sometimes you have to splurge. I miss ranch, pizza, wings, silverware, ice, Italian, Mexican, good sandwiches, bread, skim MILK!
-No more horns and lawful drivers! WOW.
It will only be 2.5 short weeks but I will relish every moment of it...Then my man is moving back with me! WOW>
I do love it here, don't get me wrong, but home is where the heart IS.
OH! Today was our first day of finals. I am truly liking being a part of the high school instead of a K-8. Here they have 6-12. They make finals pretty intense here, we had to write out our exams, submit them to the admin for approval, then start today. They designate two hour time periods for each subject with silent studying in between. I only teach LA/SS so I have plenty of down time to finalize my grades before Friday. The students are placed in the cafeteria, each chair has a different color, and nobody from the same grade level sits near each other. When a student is complete, they must stay in their seat. It was INTENSE, however a great learning experience for me and my little 6th graders. They are getting what it feels like to be in a more rigorous environment. Majority of them want to go to the college in the US so this is perfect. This year we have seniors going to MIT, Harvard and a few other elite schools. I am loving the education system here, international schools are the way to go. If I could I would raise my kids in this type of setting. It is actually very popular, the kids are called, "Third culture kids." Only GOD knows right?
Until next time, smile.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My first stint in China is about to come to an end! In 6 days I will be boarding the plane and heading home for 3 weeks. This also ends my single journey in China, since Jordan will be coming back with me. I am grateful he has decided to come along, it will bring new adventures. Life has been flowing lately, almost to quick. I want it to go by quickly so I can get home, but sometimes it is good to stop, take a deep breath and look at life.
I am still loving that I am in China. The weather hasn't been to bad, rain here and there and about 40 degrees. I would say that I miss the freedom of having a car the most. To be able to go when you please, not hail a cab would be so nice...Maybe I can driver while I am back next week.
6 more DAYS and home.
Quick list of what I have learned so far while in China:
1. International schools are unique, higher level and interesting to work for. Being in a classroom with kids from all over the world, different home languages, different cultures is unreal.
2. Working with teachers from all over the world is also great, you lean new things everyday.
3. The money that some people have is unreal. How do people afford 30grand per student, some families have 4 kids in our school.
4. The pollution in Shanghai needs attention ASAP.
5. Chinese people have long nails (MEN), love tea, work hard, cook with strange ingredients, talk funny, smack, interested in the western culture, walk a lot, only are allowed to have one kid, have their parents live with them, squat (men), love fireworks (scare off evil spirits).
6. Not knowing a language yet being immersed in it can make you feel very isolated at times.
7. Live in the moment, think about the future, don't dwell on the past.
8. I love having two maids, no bills and treated like a real educator for once.
9. I love Jordan more then anything in this world, be away from someone for 4 months and 19 days really makes your learn about a person.
10. I don't like China in general, kind of thinking of Switzerland next. This overseas gig has opened up a whole new door in my life, I wish I would've started this when I was younger!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
I believe that love:
- Sees the other person’s flaws and still loves them
- Wants to serve the other person; selfless
- Still spends time with others
- Takes time to build the relationship
- Other relationships and friendships grow stronger
- Trust and understanding results in less severe and less frequent jealousy
- Encompasses a long-term commitment
- Survives and sometimes is strengthened because of distance
- Fights are less serious and less often
- Disagreements can strengthen the relationship
True Love
It is Saturday night, November 28th. Feel like writing about my recent thoughts on love...
True Love: I have to admit, at 31 I finally know what true love is. I will admit I threw that word around in the past way to easily. I wanted real love for years, I used to pray every time I would go through the tunnel on the I-10 to find a man, I would pray at night for God to give me a man that would be my best friend, love me forever. I used to date all the time, I was never even really single until I was 27. I tried everything internet, friends, parents hooking me up, and every man I ever dated I had doubts about. There was always something wrong. I used to think it was okay that they didn't show they loved me, or it was okay that we couldn't talk on the phone, or it was okay that I never invited them to hang out with my friends. I once dated a man that for an entire year never paid me one compliment. I used to think this was okay. I would justify men's behavior if they had money, or if they bought me dinner, or more...
Then I kissed Jordan for the first time on my 30th birthday. Jordan being 2o at the time, and Joel's best friend I was pissed at myself. But I felt something when our lips touched. After that kiss our lives went in separate paths. A few months later we reunited, just to hang out as friends. In the past years Jordan would tell Joel he would marry me someday, he would tell me when he would see me that I would someday be with him and have his baby, I would always laugh it off and think, "What a kid." We talked last summer, he would come over to hang out for a few hours then go home. I would always be sad when he would leave, wish inside that he would come back. He never would. I never told anyone that we talked last summer, I was to embarrassed because of his age. I was worried that people would think I was using him, or think I couldn't find anybody my own age.
In August he left to back to school. In my mind I was happy, since I really liked him. After he left we would talk on the phone daily. He would tell me he missed me, he never missed a day texting me saying good morning, or goodnight. After a month or so of this I was seeing someone else and sent him a text saying we didn't need to talk everyday. He was devastated and we stopped talking. I was okay with this as I was dating a firefighter that really could care less about me, but he was good company. In December Jordan came back home for the holiday. One night I was sound asleep at 4am and Jordan walked in my bedroom. He had his Afro then and scared the life out of me. I woke up to him standing over me. I ended up getting up, after my heart rate slowed and chatted with him. He said he just had to see me, and left after 10 minutes. Joel was outside livid. He was so upset that Jordan found a key under my mat (meant to be)! On December 12th, our now anniversary Joel had a graduation party. I remember Jordan walking into the party and my heart stopped. He looked so GOOD. His hair was cut, he had a new outfit on, and I was in AWE. His mom spent a good 10 minutes telling me that night how much Jordan loved me, I was tickled. Later that night, we ended up kissing, and it was over!!!!!!! After that night we started spending days together. Never intimate, just getting to know each other. I couldn't get enough of him. I invited him up to the cabin for the weekend, that is when I feel in love. He never tried to sleep with me, we just spent hours and hours talking and laughing. That is what true love is. When you can't get enough of someone, you don't have moments where you are searching for something to say, which I never have felt before.
Every man I have ever been with something has been missing. I always put a mans career first, what they had, how they would be able to care for me, and that is not what love is about. Jordan and I continued to date, and on February 14th I flew to San Fransisco for a job fair. I have always wanted to teach overseas, I wasn't going to let love hold me back. I took the job in China, not even thinking about leaving this new man that I adored.
I left for China of July 31st, 2009. Jordan, hesitantly took me to the airport. We didn't talk about our future, what was going to become of it, I just left. In my heart I didn't know what was going to happen. If I would leave and we slowly just faded, or if we would still talk. Now, I come home in 21 days and we have never been closer. We spend hours and hours on Skype. Last night was Friday night, we talked for over 4 hours. We laugh, tell stories. He even loves telling me a goodnight story before bed. This is true love. Jordan is one man that makes me want to be a better person. He is 10 years younger, which at first scared me, but now it is the best part of him. He doesn't have any expectations of how I should be, instead he loves me even during my faults. He looks at life differently then most. He never ever has something to negative to say about anyone or any situation. During my hard times in China when I am have issues adjusting or missing him, he makes me feel better. If I am talking negatively about something, he always makes me feel better about the situation. We rarely fight, if we do we always come out strong and discuss how we could avoid having the same issue again in the future. He has a love for God that continues to astonish me. I would have never thought this in the past. When I am down he prays with me. He actually will say the prayer at my family dinner when he is not even part of it yet.
With all this said, I pray that everyone has the time to find true love in their life. True love is when they love you without make up on, they love you when you are sick, they love you when you are at your worst. True love is when they are your best friend and you do not need anyone else to make you happy. I have finally realized why people do want to get married. For years I have questioned why people get married when the divorce rate is over 50%. Sometimes I stop and just thank GOD for letting me find this at 31. For letting me spend my last 4 years dating the wrong people. I also believe that it is very important that you are happy with yourself in order to have a successful relationship. I am very glad that I have experienced some really bad relationships, it makes me more appreciative of what is it to have a good relationship. I know so many miserable married people, it makes me sad:(
I made a promise to myself, God and Jordan that I will never stop loving him. I will always treat him with respect, never belittle, and never be a women that tries to control their man. I can't stand it when a man or a women treats their loved one with disrespect, or says negative things to them. I am a child of divorce and I realize how hard divorce is on children. I honestly know that is why I have had trouble letting a man in to get to know the real me. I really think that is why in the past I used to say I only like the 'honeymoon phase' of relationships. I have had a fear of what happens when a man stops loving you, all because my parents divorced at 12 and it was adjust to having divorced parents.
I am SO thankful that I had the privilege of finding Jordan. I love it even more that my brothers love him. He is going to make a great new part of our family! He continues to amaze me daily with how he thinks and how he lives his life. We are going to make a great couple and have a wonderful family someday.
I have heard for years that when you he is the one you will just know, it is true. To all my friends out there that are still searching, stop. You will find it one day, and you will just KNOW. True love is something to fight for, to never ever give up on. Don't rush it, don't try and make it happen, don't ever have someone in your life that doesn't make you feel special ever single day you are with them.
As you can tell I am crazy about him... I miss him so much it hurts. Spending 4 months and 19 days away from the person you love isn't easy, but we made it, not only made it but are stronger then ever. Only 21 days left!!! I know God had this all planned. With me leaving I have had time to get to know myself in ways I have never thought. I can't wait to have him with me on this journey.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
—I Corinthians 13:4-8a
—I Corinthians 13:4-8a
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Just don't get it.
Just got back from the grocery store, and am a bit saddened..I recently ordered milk from the grocery store, they delivered it. It was my first time drinking milk since I got here, and to my surprise it was GOOD. It showed up nice, cold, just like back home. I never trusted drinking the milk before, the milk is kept out here, didn't feel like having a two week dose of the runs. When I found the western grocery story and they delivered, I thought I would be fine. And I was, don't get me wrong. Well today I went to the grocery store, looked in the western section (The very small part of the store with products in English) and saw my MILK. So, that skim milk isn't refrigerated either. How come back home it is is essential we keep our milk cold, however here they don't do that? I just can't drink milk that as we know doesn't contain preservative's and has live enzymes, but yet can have a shelf life? I must do some research.
Ok, that is my question. It is Sunday afternoon here. Watching that movie Paranormal Activity. I don't usually do scary movies, but this is a good one. I don't necessarily believe it, just out of movies and it is 10 below outside, might as well watch one! I am now also doing my own cleaning as well as laundry. I still have two maids, feel bad firing them since they are the sweetest. I just miss doing thing myself, not truly the act of doing them, the feeling you get when they are complete. I also like the sound of the dryer and the smell of the dryer sheets.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Day in the Life of China
I have some free time, it is so cold outside I can't do anything else! We are going on day 4 of rain, temp in the 40's and no sun..I thought I wanted winter to come, now that it is here all I want is sunlight, is that to much to ask for? It should be interesting, I asked for change right?
I am going to describe a typical day in China for me:
6:00 alarm goes off, roll over to flip on the computer and read my emails. Email Jordan to tell him I am awake, and read his email. I look forward to waking up each morning to an email from him, read it then crawl out of bed. Spend the next 45 minutes showering, getting ready and talking with him on Skype.
7:00 Make a quick breakfast, usually two eggs, sometimes oatmeal, sometimes coffee. The last 8 days I have had breakfast everyday, that is my new goal. Doing well so far I must say. Also, gives me time to sit down and Facebook, my healthy addiction.
7:15 Out the door. This is after my usual packing, laptop, power cord, lunch, book, 10rmb for taxi, and at least an apple since the day is long, Without preparing ahead of time you end up grabbing a snack from the vending machine which goes right to my you know what~!
7:15 On the way to school. Usually I am sitting in a cart, we call it a Tuk Tuk. It is similar to a bike with a large square box with a seat on the back. The ride to school is filled with horns, stares, Chinese swear words, a few times of almost getting hit, then arrival. I also get to take a side street through a more poverty stricken street, the locals are outside brushing their teeth, doing laundry in a bucket, walking to an outside bathroom facility, or even grabbing the days feast from a pond that smells like sewage. Really makes me appreciate where I come from.
7:25 Greeted at the front door by the guards, pay my driver a lovely $1.00 and head in. Quick temp check, (Every one that enters the school must get it done) this avoids one sick person spreading it to the rest, then towards my room.
7:30 Skype with Jordan, check emails, write on my board, say goodbye to Jordan and greet children. If I am every having a rough morning this is where I always forgot about it. Each day the kids walk in excited, ready to learn. All except one or two of the boys that are still asleep.
8:00 Students are doing bell work, today it was, "If I could have anything in the world for my birthday it would be?" They work for 10 minutes and I take attendance, check emails, tell Jordan I love him:)
8:10 Teaching time. I teach 5 classes and have two 50 minute classes off to plan, and a 35 minute lunch. I teach two history classes and two language arts, one TEP class, which is Transitional English Program.
11:45 Lunch time, grab my chicken and peppers from the fridge (that seems to be my maids favorite dish but I am not complaining) or a salad, and talk on Skype with Jordan.
12:20 Teaching continues
1:15 Prep time, this is the time that I say goodnight to Jordan and actually work. I do anything from grade papers to write exams, or today I was writing an article for our school newspaper, Dragon News.
3:00 School is out.
3:05 Tutoring begins. I usually wouldn't tutor but this student needs some extra help. I adore this boy as well, he is from Hong Kong, and quite the character.
5:00 Tutoring is over, pack up all my stuff, say goodbye to any teachers working late and jump on the bus. Say hello to a few kids, even though they see me often on the bus they still get excited. Have some small talk about the day.
5:30 Home. First thing I do is set my stuff down and change. Nothing better then getting into comfy clothes.
5:45 Get on Facebook, relax for a while..
6:00 Throw a beanie on an some shoes and head out to dinner. Tonight is Heifu family dinner night. Since we all live in apartments that are next to each other people rotate on who does the cooking. Tonight is Thai food at the Wetzels. This family is from Seattle, they have two young daughters.
7:50 Run across the gardens back home to talk with Jordan.
8:00 Talk with Jordan on Skype for an hour and a half, say our good nights, he is going to work I am going to bed.
9:40 Quick shower, read the latest Jodi Picoult novel or journal about my day.
10:00 Bedtime. Try to get some shuteye for another long day!
That is the typical life of me here..Time is flying by, it is almost time for me to go home. 5 more weeks, then Jordan will be moving back here. I can't wait to start my life here with him. He is excited as well. I would give you a day on the weekends, but they are a little crazy:)
Night all.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
November 1st, 2009
Just laying here, enjoying some sauteed mushrooms and watching the movie, "Four Christmases." It is Sunday here, and a relaxing one. I can honestly say that after 3 months I am able to make it through the weekend without being homesick! I am fine during the week, since we are busy, but the weekends you have down time, sometimes the emotions from missing loved ones can hurt. I am getting stronger, I think it has to due with the fact that I will be home in 1 months and 19 days. Jordan will be moving back with me on January 6th, I don't think I have ever been this excited. I hope I get to see everyone when I get back, most likely we will have another big going away bash for Jordan, I can see most of you at that. Look at me, talking like it is tomorrow.
I posted a few pictures from Halloween, that was last night. I didn't enjoy it much, but I did like dressing up. Days of going out to the bars are getting old, just ready for the next chapter here. Not much else going on besides volleyball being over. Our last game was a game I would like to forget. I had two girls out, they were our main players. The girls acted as if they were playing badminton, and I am not kidding. A large part of me thinks that I will hang up my coaching shirt while I am here. Volleyball is my passion, sports in the international scene are more like intramural sports back home. Since we are required to do at least one ASA (After school activity) maybe I will try and do student council. Or possibly just hang out with my man! But I need a job..I won't be bored now that volleyball is over, I picked up a tutoring gig after school. The parent is paying very well, almost 50USD per hour. I am working with him 4 hours a week, starting Tuesday. Decent money and the kids is unique, quite fun to work with.
Until next time, take care.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Oct 21st ALREADY?
I can not believe I have already been here for 2.5 months.. As always, sometimes you need to stop, take a look at life, breath, make sure you are on the right track and more.. Time is flying here, I can't wait to come home and see everyone, and EAT real food, but most importantly I am enjoying my time here. We have been super busy with volleyball, work, and more. They really do make sure your time is filled here, they do that so you don't get homesick! Weekends are hard, I will admit.. You have down time where you get lonely, miss home, miss comfort food, and miss TV. I have a huge vb tourney this weekend that I am working, we have over 16 schools coming to our school to play. They stay with host families, and the play goes all day and night. I am looking forward to that. We have Halloween coming up, I am sure you will love the pics from that. Then on to Thanksgiving. The last time I spent Thanksgiving away from my family was when they all went to New York and I thought I was strong, I didn't need them! I was crying by noon that day on the phone with my mom! You might grow up, but you don't grow out of tradition. I am going to host a big party at my place this year called, "Thankstini." Figure I would serve up martini's for all the transplants that miss their family. Might as well get drunk together like old pals! I will be home before I know it, I get in on Dec 19th. Looking forward to it. More pics to come, just ordered Papa John's... It is like home:) (JUST taste like noodles)
No water here for the next 15 hours. They turned it off for 24 hours. At first I was shocked, but it is China. You never know what you are going to get..I figured it is another way to preserve this country, with rapid population growth, archaic times with political unrest, it is time they get a grip. They are making up for lost time, not sure if they can ever catch up. Then again I compare everything to the US, which hasn't been occupied for ages like China.. If anything, when I do move back I will appreciate the small things..I won't run the shower for 10 minutes just to get it hot, or better yet I will think before I drive to get that cup of coffee that costs 5.00! But it is so good!
No water here for the next 15 hours. They turned it off for 24 hours. At first I was shocked, but it is China. You never know what you are going to get..I figured it is another way to preserve this country, with rapid population growth, archaic times with political unrest, it is time they get a grip. They are making up for lost time, not sure if they can ever catch up. Then again I compare everything to the US, which hasn't been occupied for ages like China.. If anything, when I do move back I will appreciate the small things..I won't run the shower for 10 minutes just to get it hot, or better yet I will think before I drive to get that cup of coffee that costs 5.00! But it is so good!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Chilly, wet, dark in October?
Wow...it is already chilly, and was dark when I was heading home tonight at 5:30. Am I going to make it through this winter? Our apartments have no central air/heat, just a unit in the corner. All cement, I am going to book my first flight home. Forget China.
HA HA. I will survive, only the strong do right? I know I need to write a ton to talk about Bali, and to be honest I am so into the series Nip Tuck that I can't think of sitting on the computer. This is the first series in years that I have been able to sit and watch...this is dangerous. If I do make it through this winter I will come back a good 300 with dreads...lol...
Bali was amazing, it by far gave me my first dose of homesickness when I arrived back home Sat am. Being immersed in China you forget about color, you forget what it is like having someone open a door for you, say goodmorning, smile, and much much more..Bali was filled with locals who spoke English, beautiful happy Australians, and me:) I hope the pictures on Facebook give you an idea of my trip, I did write up a list of what I learned while I was there, I will post it soon. We flew out Sat am early, 2am, we did fly first class but there were more men snoring then birds flying south. Seriously, I had ear plugs in, head phones, and I could still hear them sawing away. UGH. I showed up at my place early, to find I was locked out. This was after the cabby got lost, can you imagine how delightful Stacy was? Then this lady at my apartments decided to open her bag of FRESH catfish STILL alive on sidewalk next to me. This made me laugh hysterically, why be mad, this lady was proud she had fresh fish. lol...
Time to watch a few more episodes before Jordan calls. I have missed him so much, not sure how we would make this work without Skype.
Until next time, China lives.
HA HA. I will survive, only the strong do right? I know I need to write a ton to talk about Bali, and to be honest I am so into the series Nip Tuck that I can't think of sitting on the computer. This is the first series in years that I have been able to sit and watch...this is dangerous. If I do make it through this winter I will come back a good 300 with dreads...lol...
Bali was amazing, it by far gave me my first dose of homesickness when I arrived back home Sat am. Being immersed in China you forget about color, you forget what it is like having someone open a door for you, say goodmorning, smile, and much much more..Bali was filled with locals who spoke English, beautiful happy Australians, and me:) I hope the pictures on Facebook give you an idea of my trip, I did write up a list of what I learned while I was there, I will post it soon. We flew out Sat am early, 2am, we did fly first class but there were more men snoring then birds flying south. Seriously, I had ear plugs in, head phones, and I could still hear them sawing away. UGH. I showed up at my place early, to find I was locked out. This was after the cabby got lost, can you imagine how delightful Stacy was? Then this lady at my apartments decided to open her bag of FRESH catfish STILL alive on sidewalk next to me. This made me laugh hysterically, why be mad, this lady was proud she had fresh fish. lol...
Time to watch a few more episodes before Jordan calls. I have missed him so much, not sure how we would make this work without Skype.
Until next time, China lives.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Road Closures, ATM's out of cash and SWINE flu
OHHH where do I begin...First, it is Tuesday night! One more day of work then off to Bali. I know most people back home don't know anything about Bali, either did I before I arrived here. I knew it was another place besides the US, that was about it. Bali is in Indonesia, it is a small tropical island. Sand, surf, sun and booze. :) I am going with the girl I coach volleyball with, she is from California. Rough few days, but making it through. Everyone here is so broke, our wallets are so dry they need WD40. Not kidding, we haven't had a real paycheck since May 25th. I had my last bit of ramen tonight, hoping that I don't have to eat ramen again until the depression hits Asia. I heard through the grapevine tonight that we had already received our paycheck, I road home quickly after practice, avoiding as much rain as possible through my rain gear, grabbed my ATM card and bolted to the ATM. (I had already received word that the ATM's around here run out of cash). Was there in 5 minutes to an ATM that needed WD40 too...:( Looks like my wallet will stay dry another night... This is what happens I guess when you have an all cash society. I do have to say I am glad for the early release day tomorrow. China is getting ready for their big celebrations so they just close roads. We have to be able to get the kids home in time, which means early release for us...smile... Lastly, the swine flu..since China is highly over populated they do not have enough vaccinations for the H1n1. Every school I enter I am getting my temp check. Before buses, before I pee, always temp checks.. If you have any sign of a temp you are sent to prison. You are not released for year, since the symptoms for H1n1 may be dormant. OK, HA HA HA not that intense, but damn, they are ON this one. I am glad they are though! Alright, my man is calling..love you all~! I will have lots to talk about after Bali. Get back the 10th. Then only 2 months until I get to come home..I am going to eat and eat and eat when I get back to the states! ( I MISS AMERICAN FOOD)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Friday Evening...
Been awhile since I have wrote, so let the novel begin! I know DAD that you want me to change the background so you can see it better, I will do that too:) I will break this into sections, since it has been so long..
Last weekend was my first time watching a rugby game, oh my...Never knew it was so intense. The weekend started by me staying in on Friday night. I am honestly realizing I am older now. I don't care to go out all night, I hate being tired, and I like relaxing on Friday's. That is so different for me, as the last 10 years I never missed a beat. I can't wait until Jordan is here, we can do dinners in town, explore the city during the day, and just be together in China.. So, the rugby game! My Asst. Principal Ty plays in a competitive league, after my vb tourney on Sat we made it a fun filled day. It started off with beers on our bike ride home from my vb tourney. There was a grand opening going on right by the school, I have never seen so many black haired people in one place. They loved looking at us drinking beers on our pink bikes..I think they thought we were part of the grand opening. lol. We continued having beers on the subway, then during the game. I enjoyed the game, what is better then watching a bunch of big men holding each other in bear hugs, tackling each other, kissing. HA HA. The game was good, we were invited on their team bus to have more beers after. The bus ride is what made the day. The guys were singing, and we were definitely bonding! My friend Kelsey was proposed to by this Russian guy, he even said the names of their future 4 children! The night continued on until the late hours, good times... Sunday was a lazy day. Hours on Skype with Jordan then a two hour massage. The massage places around here are super cheap. I paid 15.00 dollars for two hours..I was over it at first, they put me in a room that someone had just smoked in. They smoke EVERYWHERE HERE. UGH.
China Trip: The entire school leaves for a trip once a year. Each grade level does something different. The younger kids, my kids, went to a town two hours away called, Suzhou. The point of these trips is to socialize them with reality. 99% of our kids come from affluent homes, live in compounds that are hidden away from the real China. The compound (AKA neighborhood) next to me that majority of them reside in is similar to Scottsdale. The older grades go and live with locals in small towns, they volunteer at orphanages or help out in the schools or farms. Since my kids are still so young, they got to camp for the first time. For me it would've been easy, but the rain poured like Niagara falls! From the moment we got on our boat ride to the island it rained..The island we went to has 280 families that live on it. It was neat to see that they are completely self sufficient. From their goat milk to their chili pepper treas, to the daily fish that sat in the sink waited to be cook, it was all there. The women cooked and cleaned, the men fished. I watched a man one morning grab the closest chicken, kill it, then clean it in the lake..nice hu? It sure did taste good though! We did manage to get a hike in, but most of the day was spent indoors playing card games, talking and bonding. I truly take each moment in with these kids. They all come from different cultures, have different ways of doing things, ways of how others should be etc. The true meaning of International School is finally hitting me. Setting up tents went smoothly, came back after bringing in supplies, looked up to realize the girls might as well just slept in my tent. I was in the center, they were so close I could have tickled their backs:) When I finally got everyone settled in, I laid down with my journal, listened to the rain and relaxed. I have always loved listening to the rain while I fall asleep. Then I heard one zipper, followed by zippers all night. If one wasn't up it was another..Finally I fell asleep, prayer after prayer asking God to let up on the rain, I hear another zipper..Followed by, "UM, Ms. Johnson I have to pee." After a few deep breaths, I said, "Just pee behind the tent." I was finally dry, and my last time I got up I slipped on the mud, flew up in the air, and hit my butt pretty hard. Thank god I have a cushioned butt! I was so out of it, irritated, that I didn't even realize that this young Korean girl probably hadn't pee'd outside..I won't continue with that story, just a bit of it was her tent mate waking up telling me she pee'd in the tent! I think I was able to get a few hours of sleep, I was obviously to sleepy to figure out that my pillow was soaked, so was my bag, but I was dry...
I did like listening to all of them talk to their mom's before bed. 6 different languages, all at once... I am finally adjusting/accepting the language barrier. It can cause a helpless feeling, a feeling of insecurity, a feeling of jealousy and more... To speak a different language would be great. I do realize how many of the locals want to learn English, and I want to learn Mandarin, it is just so hard... If I was younger, not that I am old, I would possibly think about starting an International school in Phx. Imagine if we offered these back home, and they were Spanish only. All the kids speak English at home, but only Spanish at school. We could offer languages of all types..not a bad idea!
Starting to get dark out, going to my neighbors for a glass of wine. They are a family from Michigan with two little kids. Not doing much this weekend, usual pancake breakfast tomorrow am with some friends then off for a bike ride. I leave for Bali next Thursday. Not sure what to expect there, just know everyone that has visited Bali mentioned it is their favorite place. Endless beaches, years of history, hopefully no RAIN. Dad has been, he gave us the name of an English driver, that should help. We are going to backpack, so I am sure we will be island hopping. I will take lots of pics of course. I haven't posted many pics on my blog, it takes forever. As you know blogs/FB and more are all blocked here, the VPN I pay for isn't always a 100%. The govt here is odd! Thank god I didn't book a trip to Tibet with several of the other staff. Just yesterday the govt stopped all travel there for the holiday. Odd hu? To much political unrest during this specific holiday.
Love you all...
China Trip:
Monday morning
Last weekend was my first time watching a rugby game, oh my...Never knew it was so intense. The weekend started by me staying in on Friday night. I am honestly realizing I am older now. I don't care to go out all night, I hate being tired, and I like relaxing on Friday's. That is so different for me, as the last 10 years I never missed a beat. I can't wait until Jordan is here, we can do dinners in town, explore the city during the day, and just be together in China.. So, the rugby game! My Asst. Principal Ty plays in a competitive league, after my vb tourney on Sat we made it a fun filled day. It started off with beers on our bike ride home from my vb tourney. There was a grand opening going on right by the school, I have never seen so many black haired people in one place. They loved looking at us drinking beers on our pink bikes..I think they thought we were part of the grand opening. lol. We continued having beers on the subway, then during the game. I enjoyed the game, what is better then watching a bunch of big men holding each other in bear hugs, tackling each other, kissing. HA HA. The game was good, we were invited on their team bus to have more beers after. The bus ride is what made the day. The guys were singing, and we were definitely bonding! My friend Kelsey was proposed to by this Russian guy, he even said the names of their future 4 children! The night continued on until the late hours, good times... Sunday was a lazy day. Hours on Skype with Jordan then a two hour massage. The massage places around here are super cheap. I paid 15.00 dollars for two hours..I was over it at first, they put me in a room that someone had just smoked in. They smoke EVERYWHERE HERE. UGH.
China Trip: The entire school leaves for a trip once a year. Each grade level does something different. The younger kids, my kids, went to a town two hours away called, Suzhou. The point of these trips is to socialize them with reality. 99% of our kids come from affluent homes, live in compounds that are hidden away from the real China. The compound (AKA neighborhood) next to me that majority of them reside in is similar to Scottsdale. The older grades go and live with locals in small towns, they volunteer at orphanages or help out in the schools or farms. Since my kids are still so young, they got to camp for the first time. For me it would've been easy, but the rain poured like Niagara falls! From the moment we got on our boat ride to the island it rained..The island we went to has 280 families that live on it. It was neat to see that they are completely self sufficient. From their goat milk to their chili pepper treas, to the daily fish that sat in the sink waited to be cook, it was all there. The women cooked and cleaned, the men fished. I watched a man one morning grab the closest chicken, kill it, then clean it in the lake..nice hu? It sure did taste good though! We did manage to get a hike in, but most of the day was spent indoors playing card games, talking and bonding. I truly take each moment in with these kids. They all come from different cultures, have different ways of doing things, ways of how others should be etc. The true meaning of International School is finally hitting me. Setting up tents went smoothly, came back after bringing in supplies, looked up to realize the girls might as well just slept in my tent. I was in the center, they were so close I could have tickled their backs:) When I finally got everyone settled in, I laid down with my journal, listened to the rain and relaxed. I have always loved listening to the rain while I fall asleep. Then I heard one zipper, followed by zippers all night. If one wasn't up it was another..Finally I fell asleep, prayer after prayer asking God to let up on the rain, I hear another zipper..Followed by, "UM, Ms. Johnson I have to pee." After a few deep breaths, I said, "Just pee behind the tent." I was finally dry, and my last time I got up I slipped on the mud, flew up in the air, and hit my butt pretty hard. Thank god I have a cushioned butt! I was so out of it, irritated, that I didn't even realize that this young Korean girl probably hadn't pee'd outside..I won't continue with that story, just a bit of it was her tent mate waking up telling me she pee'd in the tent! I think I was able to get a few hours of sleep, I was obviously to sleepy to figure out that my pillow was soaked, so was my bag, but I was dry...
I did like listening to all of them talk to their mom's before bed. 6 different languages, all at once... I am finally adjusting/accepting the language barrier. It can cause a helpless feeling, a feeling of insecurity, a feeling of jealousy and more... To speak a different language would be great. I do realize how many of the locals want to learn English, and I want to learn Mandarin, it is just so hard... If I was younger, not that I am old, I would possibly think about starting an International school in Phx. Imagine if we offered these back home, and they were Spanish only. All the kids speak English at home, but only Spanish at school. We could offer languages of all types..not a bad idea!
Starting to get dark out, going to my neighbors for a glass of wine. They are a family from Michigan with two little kids. Not doing much this weekend, usual pancake breakfast tomorrow am with some friends then off for a bike ride. I leave for Bali next Thursday. Not sure what to expect there, just know everyone that has visited Bali mentioned it is their favorite place. Endless beaches, years of history, hopefully no RAIN. Dad has been, he gave us the name of an English driver, that should help. We are going to backpack, so I am sure we will be island hopping. I will take lots of pics of course. I haven't posted many pics on my blog, it takes forever. As you know blogs/FB and more are all blocked here, the VPN I pay for isn't always a 100%. The govt here is odd! Thank god I didn't book a trip to Tibet with several of the other staff. Just yesterday the govt stopped all travel there for the holiday. Odd hu? To much political unrest during this specific holiday.
Love you all...
China Trip:
Monday morning
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tuk Tuk with a system?
Just got in, Tuesday evening here. Caught a ride with young Tuk driver who had American music blasted like a young kid who just got his first car. He has this look on his face of pure excitement when I got in. Hopefully everyone back home has an idea of a Tuk Tuk now, if not it is a three wheel bike with a cover on the back. He was so proud to have me in his cart, every time we passed someone he would honk, not to get out of the way but to say, "LOOK at the blond in my cart!" He was blasting, "I like to move it, move it," brought up the Rocky Point days. We used to love that song...or it loved us after 10 beers:) It is cooling down quite a bit now, thank GOD. I know I will end up swallowing my tongue for saying this, but I can't wait until winter. It has been warm, wet, sticky, smelly. The cool air is fresh. There are days where the pollution is heavy, other times where the sun is bright. Odd. Downtown the air quality is not good...wish they would work on that.
Hangzhou this weekend was a memory I will not forget. Hangzhou is a town two hours from where I live. A guy we work with that is from New Zealand arranged it for us. I was thankful, that trip wouldn't be easy to new as a newcomer. We took the train, arrived around 9am and hit the mtn. around 10. We hiked through villages, tea gardens, then did a strenuous mtn. hike up to the top. Great group of people, friendly with a lot to share. I am enjoying hearing about every ones travels. We have a large group of couples that have been part of the international teaching scene for years, they switch schools every few years or so. Wish Jordan was a teacher:)
Ok..off for a bike ride after I finish this episode of Sex and the City. With no English TV, I have been purchasing seasons. As for Sex and the City, I am addicted to it but damn, these girls do nothing besides the obvious! How did Sara Jessica Parker stay married!
Hangzhou this weekend was a memory I will not forget. Hangzhou is a town two hours from where I live. A guy we work with that is from New Zealand arranged it for us. I was thankful, that trip wouldn't be easy to new as a newcomer. We took the train, arrived around 9am and hit the mtn. around 10. We hiked through villages, tea gardens, then did a strenuous mtn. hike up to the top. Great group of people, friendly with a lot to share. I am enjoying hearing about every ones travels. We have a large group of couples that have been part of the international teaching scene for years, they switch schools every few years or so. Wish Jordan was a teacher:)
Ok..off for a bike ride after I finish this episode of Sex and the City. With no English TV, I have been purchasing seasons. As for Sex and the City, I am addicted to it but damn, these girls do nothing besides the obvious! How did Sara Jessica Parker stay married!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday night...
Night is almost over, bedtime soon. Had a good week, finally think I am adjusting to working 10 hour days. The days are long, but the kids make it worth every minute. I am learning that working at an international school is about working hard and playing hard. These kids are super involved in school, so we are always there making sure they are involved in everything to make those college applications to the states FULL. Went this morning to get my visa, and that was easy. I am loving the fact that we are taken care of always. Always having drivers, maids, food provided at work, even the coffee is made for us. I like that. Had a minor setback after our visa appointment:( We were getting in the van, and I got on first. Our asst. principal was looking for the van, saw it, then took one step without looking. BAM, he was hit by a scooter... It happened so fast, and THANK GOD he was okay. It was only him and I, and our driver who only speaks Mandarin. I ran out of the van and helped our AP up, and he was fine. The scooter driver was fine as well, but pretty upset. After a few minutes of him yelling, a nice lady who was watching walked over and yelled back. Basically it just frightened them both... Incidents like that happen here way more then they should, all because NOBODY abides by rules. Traffic is a complete nightmare here... One positive aspect is the locals really look out for us. That lady did not have to step in, which was great. My day was good after that, practice went well. I like my girls, they are super sweet and full of life. I am finally realizing that VB for once is not about competition, which has been a struggle for me.
Friday tomorrow. We have another away game. I like going to the different international schools, checking them out:) We have a short trip planned this Saturday to Hangzhou. It is two hours away, so we are taking a train. Looking forward to getting out and seeing more of China. We have hiking planned, lunch, temples and of course cold beverages!
Friday tomorrow. We have another away game. I like going to the different international schools, checking them out:) We have a short trip planned this Saturday to Hangzhou. It is two hours away, so we are taking a train. Looking forward to getting out and seeing more of China. We have hiking planned, lunch, temples and of course cold beverages!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Ultimate Frisbee (Opening night)
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Sunday Evening..
All of you are fast asleep, it is 5:15AM your time, and I am just chilling..Had a great Sunday. Jordan stayed in last night, and we stayed on Skype for 5 hours. I am not kidding, 5 hours..It is so amazing that we can talk for hours and hours, 10 times a day and never have a silent moment. He makes me so happy:) I know, some of you think that is lame but I just have to share! For so many years I would pray that I would meet someone that I could be with and not get tired of..and all of you know that I have dated all of the men in AZ. Ladies used to tell me through the years to just be patient, that it would happen when I would least expect it. I never believed them..I also hated when people would say, "You will know when it is right!" Now I know that is all TRUE. I wish I could tell the rest of the single people to not SEARCH! And how odd that I would end up falling in love with Jordan, I remember when he lived with me 4 years ago. And he was always telling Joel he would marry me someday.. How funny:)
Anyways, 3 weeks of school are down. I am working on my lesson plans for this week tonight. Now that all of my kids have their own Macs, I am trying to get everything online. I also stress that I won't be able to challenge them enough, and I don't want to just load them up on work, I want to make it meaningful. That just means I need to work harder. We had our first volleyball match yesterday. It was a cool setup, and I had no idea what to expect. I mean, NO IDEA. I didn't even know until Friday morning that it was an all day event. Honestly for me I am struggling with getting to know a whole new system. I know I have mentioned it before, but it is not easy learning a new job after 7 years of staying at one place. When I took this job I did not think about the adjustment to the new job phase. This is good for me though. My biggest thing is keeping my little BIG mouth quiet:) Roll with the punches right? It is not that I think they do things wrong here, I actually know they do things a great way, it is just the process of knowing those things...
Each day gets a little better. Participating in that tourney yesterday made me feel good. My girls skill level is pretty low, but they have heart/desire and that is what matters. Academics are first here, they just play sports for fun and to stay active. Not like the states where kids are playing from the age of 2. It is also nice that the girls do not have any atitude, they would never even think to disrespect a coach, nor do they show any sort of negative emotion if they don't play. That is nice, I am sure I won't have to worry about any parents giving me a hard time either! I also really enjoy the people I coach with. One of the girls I coach with is from Cal, she is so much like me. Hopefully we can start hanging out more. Just working with girls from all over the world will make every moment worth it. I have girls from Korea, Holland, Finland, Michigan, Kentucky, and more.. Learning the different cultures is the best part.
SCIS has 3 campuses, in 3 different cities in China. They also have a school in Jakarta, South Africa, one in Indonesia and they are building one somewhere else as well. The tourney yesterday was just in-between our sister schools. Basically rivals, and we lost everything:( We will improve though! And MOM you will be proud, they had a staff/student game, I didn't play. It was one of the hardest moments, saying no and admitting I am hurt. I didn't think I was hurt anymore, played last week, was barely able to get out of bed the next morning. SO, I signed up for Ultimate Frisbee instead! I start tomorrow. We have a league that plays on Monday nights. It is in the city, a few of us are going to share a cab. If this sport is to hard on my back I am going to pick up gluttony. You know where they eat for a competition?
Going to finish my movie, wrap up my last bit of planning and hit the hay. I did make my first real meal tonight. Not to mention it was actually healthy. I made a chicken stir fry. I made enough for tomorrow as well, so no more ramen for lunch. I have a new AYI starting Friday, in addition to my other maid and this AYI is just going to cook and shop. That should help me get some of this baby weight off. LOl. More like booze weight. This maid is Filipino, speaks fluent English, so she is going to hook me up. She made a dish last week for a friend that was amazing.. All of this and I pay less then a $100 a month for my ayi's! Life is good!
Miss you all, talk soon.
Anyways, 3 weeks of school are down. I am working on my lesson plans for this week tonight. Now that all of my kids have their own Macs, I am trying to get everything online. I also stress that I won't be able to challenge them enough, and I don't want to just load them up on work, I want to make it meaningful. That just means I need to work harder. We had our first volleyball match yesterday. It was a cool setup, and I had no idea what to expect. I mean, NO IDEA. I didn't even know until Friday morning that it was an all day event. Honestly for me I am struggling with getting to know a whole new system. I know I have mentioned it before, but it is not easy learning a new job after 7 years of staying at one place. When I took this job I did not think about the adjustment to the new job phase. This is good for me though. My biggest thing is keeping my little BIG mouth quiet:) Roll with the punches right? It is not that I think they do things wrong here, I actually know they do things a great way, it is just the process of knowing those things...
Each day gets a little better. Participating in that tourney yesterday made me feel good. My girls skill level is pretty low, but they have heart/desire and that is what matters. Academics are first here, they just play sports for fun and to stay active. Not like the states where kids are playing from the age of 2. It is also nice that the girls do not have any atitude, they would never even think to disrespect a coach, nor do they show any sort of negative emotion if they don't play. That is nice, I am sure I won't have to worry about any parents giving me a hard time either! I also really enjoy the people I coach with. One of the girls I coach with is from Cal, she is so much like me. Hopefully we can start hanging out more. Just working with girls from all over the world will make every moment worth it. I have girls from Korea, Holland, Finland, Michigan, Kentucky, and more.. Learning the different cultures is the best part.
SCIS has 3 campuses, in 3 different cities in China. They also have a school in Jakarta, South Africa, one in Indonesia and they are building one somewhere else as well. The tourney yesterday was just in-between our sister schools. Basically rivals, and we lost everything:( We will improve though! And MOM you will be proud, they had a staff/student game, I didn't play. It was one of the hardest moments, saying no and admitting I am hurt. I didn't think I was hurt anymore, played last week, was barely able to get out of bed the next morning. SO, I signed up for Ultimate Frisbee instead! I start tomorrow. We have a league that plays on Monday nights. It is in the city, a few of us are going to share a cab. If this sport is to hard on my back I am going to pick up gluttony. You know where they eat for a competition?
Going to finish my movie, wrap up my last bit of planning and hit the hay. I did make my first real meal tonight. Not to mention it was actually healthy. I made a chicken stir fry. I made enough for tomorrow as well, so no more ramen for lunch. I have a new AYI starting Friday, in addition to my other maid and this AYI is just going to cook and shop. That should help me get some of this baby weight off. LOl. More like booze weight. This maid is Filipino, speaks fluent English, so she is going to hook me up. She made a dish last week for a friend that was amazing.. All of this and I pay less then a $100 a month for my ayi's! Life is good!
Miss you all, talk soon.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
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