Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Trip so far..
It is 3 in the morning, going on day 4 of being in the USA, jet lag should be improving but it isn't. I should've known that I would struggle with it, since I am such a sensitive sleeper. It is okay, jet lag is worth seeing everyone and being here.
Everyone is asking about the engagement and the ring, I would be happy to talk about it. lol. I am so excited, never been happier. I truly didn't think I would ever get married. I love looking back, reading my past journals of how my thoughts on marriage have changed. In my goal book, (a book I started when I was 18) I wrote the following: New car by 18, bachelor's degree by 22, marriage by 24, first baby by 26. CAN you believe that! That didn't work as planned, but I am happy with how my life has worked out. I was really never single until 27, then when I became single I went a few years thinking marriage was a big joke. I wasn't around many couples who I can actually say are happy. In fact I think I could count them on one hand. So why would anybody want to get married? And the fact of it ever coming to an end would be just devastating.
Ok, I am getting off track. My whole point is how I progressed through the years while I was maturing myself. I truly know why people want to get married. Why they want to take their relationship to another level. The love I have for Jordan is so deep, it hurts at times. I lay in bed looking at him, thanking GOD for him. I even miss him when he is laying next to me. It is so nice to have someone you can spend every waking hour with, and want more. I love how we were friends first, and we have a good story to how we met and got together. Can you tell I am in love!
Engagement: Well, we both knew we were going to be getting engaged. We designed the ring together. We decided to do this while I was in China. Not sure how exactly, just started talking about rings, and it fell into place. He spent hours shopping, he would send me pictures, but there was never one perfect ring that we both fell in love with. It was important for me that he chose it, so the process started. We found a website that designs the style I like, vintage. After a few weeks, it was ready. Jordan wouldn't let me see it of course, he actually said if I asked one more time I wouldn't get it!
Finally, the arrival time came at the airport. I made him promise me that he wouldn't propose there, since my emotions were so brittle I don't think I could've handled it. I seriously would've curled up in a little ball and sobbed. After flying for 15 hours, not sleeping for 24, anticipation of seeing everyone, I didn't want this big scene. He showed up at that airport with a dozen roses, my dog, and a bottle of wine! After some long awaited kisses and tears, we headed home. He took me to the Wigwam Resort, one of my favorite places to stay. We had the Litchfield Suite (Huge two bedroom suite with a bar and fireplace). We walked in to rose pedals every where, fire lit, champagne, the WORKS. We ended up walking straight to the bed, I laid down, took a deep breath and said thank you to him. We were kissing and I wanted him to take his dress shirt off. (He hates dressing up). He said no, said he had something to take care of. Got down on one knee, tears were flowing (me), then he said it! I hugged him and of course said yes. The ring is absolutely beautiful! I will post a picture. We spent the next two days at the resort. I slept mainly, he relaxed.
SO, with all that said, my first few days home have been amazing. Sunday I did have a bit of sensory overload. You get used to not seeing much color, used to not being able to communicate or listen to strangers since they don't speak our language, so it can be a little overwhelming at times. However, I am enjoying the fresh air, sunlight, good food, and so much more. I will blog about my true feelings about the entire trip when I get back. Jordan moves with me! We leave January 6th. Going to enjoy each and every moment of my time here, since it will fly by.
Merry Christmas
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
3 more sleeps until:
-See the man I love (4 months and 19 days has brought us closer then ever, and to be honest it has been easy. The first few weeks I would say I had tears every time we talked on Skype) Being apart from someone for this long makes you learn so much more about them. We spent endless hours, I mean 4 to 5 hours every Sunday, 2 hours everyday at least, looking at eachother on a computer screen. We laughed, cried, loved, told stories, played games, shopped, it was fabulous. We made sacrifices like not going out on weekends so we could talk, and the POOR man even woke up at 4:30AM before work to talk with me for 2 hours? I love him...
-See my precious dog...Marley, my Boston Terrier has also been the hardest to leave, Jordan has been a good dad though, his mom loves him to death as well, she will be the proud grandmother who gets to keep him while we are gone the next 5 months. (my mom doesn't want him:() lol.
-See my family. I miss my nieces and nephew so much it hurts. Amazing how you can love children so deeply it really pains you. Of course I miss my other family and friends as well, but they all have their own lives so it hasn't hurt so much.
-See the sunlight with fresh air.
-Drive a car, I miss the freedom more then you know. Just to be able to go at my own will is going to be great.
-Not have to carry an umbrella, carry cards for each location with Chinese addresses (You give them to the driver since you can't speak the language, which takes time, you have to plan ahead when you are going or else he will make you GET OUT).
-Not wear a scarf (Is there a point to wearing them? I wear them daily but they don't do much for me).
-Eat GOOD FOOD. By good I mean unhealthy but sometimes you have to splurge. I miss ranch, pizza, wings, silverware, ice, Italian, Mexican, good sandwiches, bread, skim MILK!
-No more horns and lawful drivers! WOW.
It will only be 2.5 short weeks but I will relish every moment of it...Then my man is moving back with me! WOW>
I do love it here, don't get me wrong, but home is where the heart IS.
OH! Today was our first day of finals. I am truly liking being a part of the high school instead of a K-8. Here they have 6-12. They make finals pretty intense here, we had to write out our exams, submit them to the admin for approval, then start today. They designate two hour time periods for each subject with silent studying in between. I only teach LA/SS so I have plenty of down time to finalize my grades before Friday. The students are placed in the cafeteria, each chair has a different color, and nobody from the same grade level sits near each other. When a student is complete, they must stay in their seat. It was INTENSE, however a great learning experience for me and my little 6th graders. They are getting what it feels like to be in a more rigorous environment. Majority of them want to go to the college in the US so this is perfect. This year we have seniors going to MIT, Harvard and a few other elite schools. I am loving the education system here, international schools are the way to go. If I could I would raise my kids in this type of setting. It is actually very popular, the kids are called, "Third culture kids." Only GOD knows right?
Until next time, smile.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
My first stint in China is about to come to an end! In 6 days I will be boarding the plane and heading home for 3 weeks. This also ends my single journey in China, since Jordan will be coming back with me. I am grateful he has decided to come along, it will bring new adventures. Life has been flowing lately, almost to quick. I want it to go by quickly so I can get home, but sometimes it is good to stop, take a deep breath and look at life.
I am still loving that I am in China. The weather hasn't been to bad, rain here and there and about 40 degrees. I would say that I miss the freedom of having a car the most. To be able to go when you please, not hail a cab would be so nice...Maybe I can driver while I am back next week.
6 more DAYS and home.
Quick list of what I have learned so far while in China:
1. International schools are unique, higher level and interesting to work for. Being in a classroom with kids from all over the world, different home languages, different cultures is unreal.
2. Working with teachers from all over the world is also great, you lean new things everyday.
3. The money that some people have is unreal. How do people afford 30grand per student, some families have 4 kids in our school.
4. The pollution in Shanghai needs attention ASAP.
5. Chinese people have long nails (MEN), love tea, work hard, cook with strange ingredients, talk funny, smack, interested in the western culture, walk a lot, only are allowed to have one kid, have their parents live with them, squat (men), love fireworks (scare off evil spirits).
6. Not knowing a language yet being immersed in it can make you feel very isolated at times.
7. Live in the moment, think about the future, don't dwell on the past.
8. I love having two maids, no bills and treated like a real educator for once.
9. I love Jordan more then anything in this world, be away from someone for 4 months and 19 days really makes your learn about a person.
10. I don't like China in general, kind of thinking of Switzerland next. This overseas gig has opened up a whole new door in my life, I wish I would've started this when I was younger!
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