First, why do kids not like to play outside anymore? I am pretty much generalizing here, forgive me. I do know millions of kids are still like I was when I was younger. They stay active, fit, involved in after school activities etc...But with the all the mindless activities such as video games, computers etc, a PARENT must limit a child's time on them. When I was young, we couldn't wait to come home and play with the kids in the neighborhood. We would come home, get a snack (Only allowed one a day and it was healthy), do our homework (Which had to be left on the table for parents to check) and out to play... We then played until we heard, "MIKE, STACY TIME FOR DINNER." We would then rush home, yelling as we salivated thinking of moms home cooked meal, wash our hands to sit down for an actual family dinner. Started by a typical prayer, the TV must be off we ate. It was bonding time, we all talked, talked about our day, and ate. We ate a cooked meal that was taken directly off the food pyramid. Meat, vegetable, carb and no soda..MILK. We had to eat correctly, if not we were warned once...Then off to eat outside with the dogs. I am not kidding either. Ask Mike, he did this often. After our nightly family bonding we had to ask to be excused, clear OUR plate then we were back outside. Playing until we got the call again, then it was shower, check homework and bed. At 8:30. Not another snack, not computer time, BED. My parents didn't give us options, they told us what to do and we did it. Simple as that. We all received good grades, we didn't disrespect and if we did we got the belt. Literally got the belt. So, why does it irk me when parents ask ME THEIR KIDS teacher how to get them off the computer? Come on now....
I do have to say that working with these parents has been heaven compared to back home. Computer time is minor compared to what I encountered back home, but we won't get into that. I could write 15 pages about parents that should have never considered
I feel that I was raised very well. I have done well for myself, and that is because I have parents that set boundaries. Kids need structure, discipline and routine. Without that you will create a monster. And I have seen teenagers that were monsters...If you don't want that you put your foot down when they are young. I see parents that discipline right away, don't let their kids get away with anything, and their kids are wonderful to be around. Then I see parents that let their kids get away with murder and think it is funny. Lets see if they are laughing when the kid is 15. All 3 kids in my family also have college educations. Not to brag, but I think that is pretty darn good. Why do we all have educations? It wasn't an option to not go to college. It wasn't an option to take a year off. Did my parents pay for our educations? Hell no, they didn't even offer. It was just known that we will go to college, and pay for it. UGH they could've at least helped! HA HA. I made it though, no regrets. They could pay my student loans though. :)
I also had a parent yesterday that needed to talk to me without her daughter. I have noticed this girl (Chinese decent but from Michigan) has been distant, withdrawn and not turning everything in. Turns out parents are getting a divorce. That is HUGE for around here. Out of a couple 100 students we maybe have 2 or 3 parents that are divorced. In the states I had 25 out of 30 of my kids with divorced parents. I won't start on this topic, since my parents are divorced, it totally screws up the ENTIRE family and forever, not just for a short time. This mom was so upset, as she should be. It broke my heart. I was thinking about being 12 and my parents getting divorced. It is tough, very very tough. My heart goes out to them. I wouldn't wish that on any kid or adult, and I think classes should be mandatory for adults to take before they get married. During marriage, and before they are allowed to have a child. They should also drug test, check proof of income, check for stupidity, and only allow people to have 2 kids. If they want more they must show proof of income that demonstrates they can afford that child, afford for them to participate in activities, and they DO NOT offer extra financial help unless a woman or man is disabled, NOT able to work.
Wow, could you imagine if I was president? America is to far gone to change any of this now, no turning back so just HOLD ON with two hands!!! HA HA. I know I might come off as bitter towards America, that isn't right. That is my home, and I am proud to be an American. It is my occupation that has taught me to take the blinders off. Teaching in an international school setting, where every child is from a different country has taught me so much I can't even write enough. Being in a classroom with so many different cultures is unreal. We all look different, speak differently, eat differently, but not one kid sees color. When reading Maniac Magee they had no clue about gangs or discrimination. These kids are 3rd culture kids. They all know several languages and have traveled the world. They are very very fortunate. So am I to be able to experience this. Honestly, I don't think I will be able to go back to the public school setting, even though I know those kids needs good teachers. But the state doesn't give a shit, why should teachers? No raise, more kids in the classroom, no PE? Are you kidding? America has the largest obesity rate of any country in the world. And they don't make them do PE everyday?
Last comment, China doesn't even have ranch. Even the western restaurants don't serve ranch. Yet my school I worked at back home had it in a large jug with a PUMP. They served pizza everyday. In China we get it at school once a MONTH. No wonder we have a problem with obesity back home.....They should serve Paleo at school, kids would be more energetic, happier, less health problems, autistic kids would see a huge
Ok, I am going to jump down off my soap box and eat some ranch and play on my computer for 10 hours.