Amazing that I have not written on this blog in years. I didn't think I still had it. So much has changed. I am now a single mom, living back in China. Jacelynn is 2 years old and my absolute pride and joy. Life has changed so much, I am love my job in China and being single again. I wasn't happy for a long time, but was dealing with it because I didn't want Jace to be raised in a broken home. Jordan ended up making the transition easier, by moving on with another woman. That ended it, I made the choice to move him out. He is now living right down the street in China, and still helps out with watching Jace.
I currently work at YCIS, a high end international school. It is by far the best job I have ever had. There is something special about working for a school where the teachers are highly motivated, students are motivated and well behaved. the pay is more than enough. I have a lot to change now, need to get myself healthy, save money, and prepare for Jace and my future.
Jace just woke up. We had a wonderful day today at my schools food fair. I ate way too much, want to nap but she is awake.
Here is a picture of her from today. She loves to put make up on when I am putting my make up on! The other is my class year book page, that I made! Proud of that. Jace is almost 27 months, talks so much, has the best personality ever.