Recent Thoughts. Been a while.
Spring break was exactly what I wanted it to be. Not a long flight, English TV (Only two channels), good food, SUN, pool, beach, not crowded, laughs, not much partying, sleep, no computer, no clock but a scale in the room OVER THAT, who needs to worry about weight on a trip, we do that year around. We had a wonderful week, realized it takes me a few days to finally relax. To not think about home or worries. The pool was by far the best, it was right out of our door and they had a volleyball net and basketball hoop. Jordan and I played for hours, free entertainment is always great. I ate and ate and ate, I found out I love grilled chili's and corn. Good stuff. It was nice being with my best friend, laughing for hours, talking, and doing nothing. The TV only had two English channels, Natgeo and Starmovies. You would've been shocked to see how we were glued to that. Not having TV in China makes you miss it, even though at home I rarely was able to watch a show. We had a wonderful time, thanks to the man above for providing us with option to afford a nice week off.
What else...Quick thoughts that have been running through my mind:
My dad was in Mongolia for work these last 15 days. It was honestly a very very hard time for me. For some reason I couldn't sleep knowing he was so close and he couldn't sleep. His conditions were not good, and his health was a little off due to poor conditions. I felt it odd that I was so affected, but it was most likely due to the fact that he was so close. I prayed that he would come and do a surprise visit, but didn't happen. :( Very sad, but I don't make all the efforts to see him in his city when I am home. I miss and love that man so much. Takes a lot of courage to travel like he does.
I love my job. I honestly am questioning if I can ever back to public education in the states. A teacher friend just sent me an email today that she received from the head of the union. It said that the average teacher salary for 08/09 was $50,000, and the salary for 09/10 was $43,000. It makes me literally sick to think what they are doing to education in Arizona. How the hell do they think they are going to keep good quality teachers with continue cuts in pay? I was SO embarrassed a few weeks back when my students here did a project on the states. They had to look at how each state is ranked in education. Arizona was 50. They asked me why, I couldn't answer them. I have my theories but really why? If it wasn't for my family/friends there I would not go back to raise my own children. In fact if Jordan was on board with teaching internationally (he is not) I would raise my kids internationally. I would be honored to be able to send them with these type of students. They are well behaved, studious, intelligent, respectful, know several languages and just do things the right way. They make teaching literally SIMPLE. All I can do is pray for AZ. ...I have so many friends that are educators that just feel helpless. We chose this career to educate the youth of our country, and instead we get NOTHING in return. All it is doing is harming the kids. I think every teacher should go on strike, what would they do then. Jumped down off my soapbox..
Quick notes:
It rains almost daily in Shanghai. I love it.
Weather is finally changing.
I ride a boxed in cart on a bike with a driver every day to work, cost me 10rmb. 1.10$ in USA money. I don't have to take the tuk tuk, I could taxi it but the driver sits out front of my apt and works at least 10 hours each day. I feel that I am helping him out. I sometimes slip him extra cash, makes me feel good.
Last night we got our groceries, stood on the curb and could not find a taxi for the life of us. A random guy with a van (illegal taxi) stopped to give us a ride. I wasn't afraid one bit, jumped right in. He wouldn't stop for 20 minutes trying to get more money. I said NO. He dropped it, it was a nice ride. This is why I love living abroad. Everything isn't simple. I like the adventure.
I am getting totally over facebook. I am over when people put stuff about "Going to work out" or "My dog pooped." lol. Who cares about their daily tasks. I know that might offend but whatever. I wouldn't participate in facebook but helps with my boredom and keeping in touch. Also, why does one person use the word "besties" then it seems everyone does. UGH. Annoying. Just my thoughts....
I have learned that I hate, absolutely hate how alcohol makes me feel the next day. My mind automatically does a scale when I first wake up. "How bad is it, oh wow, that wine really pulled those veins out of my forehead." But I thank GOD for giving me hangovers...
I think children are the best, the absolute kindness to the world but I am afraid of having my own. I will though someday.
I want to give all the praise in the world to couples that make it work in marriage.
Also couples who:
talk to each other with respect
couples that are proactive about making it work
who think staying healthy and eating right is important for not only them but their children as well
stay together and plan on staying together, don't even think divorce is ever an option
attend church, have their children attend youth groups.
attend couples retreats
have family dinner at the table without the tv
limit their kids time with technology ALL TECH
encourage playing sports
save money for their children's education
do family exercise in the evenings, go on walks etc
teach their children how to be individuals
teach their children that education is extremely important
never stop learning about life
go to the dentist and take their kids, oh and get their KIDS BRACES LOL LOL had to put that
I love this blog, I can write whatever I WANT!!! If I offend you I am not sorry, these are my thoughts and my thoughts only. It is what I really think about life. I am BY FAR not perfect, and always open to other peoples opinions.
My students have their very own MAC laptops, I used to love it but now I think it is a bad idea. I have students that NEVER do anything else. What happened to playing outside with friends?
What else can I babble about today..
I love hot tea
I love hot green tea, cold green tea, and love that it is SO GOOD FOR YOU
I miss having an oven and a barbecue grill so much
I miss having a car, the freedom of having a car, the radio, the lights, driving at night in the rain
I used to love riding in the car at night with my parents
I lately have been very bothered that my parents got divorced
I think kids should be educated in middle school about drugs and addiction and sex (not international kids though, junior year for them they are way behind)
I love to cook
I love to shop
I love to watch movies at home
I love my computer
I would marry it if I could
I miss my dog so much it makes me feel like a bad mother
I am for leaving him
I want to travel the world
I wish I would've came overseas years ago
I am pissed I bought a house and make some poor financial decisions
You must forgive yourself and learn from your mistakes
I love the word and
I love to combine two sentences with the word and
I think I think to much.
My new addiction is a healthy one, it is downloading movies...So nice!
Until next time, exercise, love, pray, eat right, and pray for AZ more !!!! HA HA.