Saturday, July 31, 2010


Been a month and a half..time to write! The adjustment from China to the states has been smooth as freshly shaved legs...Honestly I owe GOD a huge thank you for this. When major changes happen in someones life, it can be a struggle if you think it is going to be, or if it is not meant to happen it doesn't go smoothly. When we were still in China and trying to make the decision to move back or not, I prayed about it and let the decision just happen. I figured if I could get my teaching job back at Dysart, and Jordan could get his job back then it was meant to be..After that happened, things just started flowing. Since I had planned on being in China for a few years, I made our apartment a home, spent lots of money decorating it, which worried me when we decided to move...Even that detail was taken care of! Since we have been home, we have both purchased vehicles, started working (Jordan really since I am on summer break) looked at houses and furniture. Next week I go back to work, I am pretty excited and a little nervous since I am teaching a new grade level.

Next on our agenda is to save for 2 months or one, then find a house. Jordan also needs to find a different job, since his job is slowly declining. Honestly, once we are in a house, with two good jobs, fully furnished, and the house decorated I am going to be in HEAVEN. It is going to take a lot of work, but it is work that I enjoy doing.

As for the pregnancy I love being pregnant. I feel great, and still look great..he he...I have put on about 10lbs, and my belly is still pretty small for being 18 weeks. Next Friday the 6th of August we get to find out the sex. We are SUPER excited. I can NOT WAIT to register for my baby shower and have that in October. This next chapter is going to be such a good change.

My thoughts on life right now....coming back from China has brought a new perspective on home for me. First, I must say that I absolutely love Arizona. I love the sunsets, I love seeing the clouds, I love fresh air, I love the monsoons, and I love love love being with my nieces/nephew and Marley. All 4 of those precious beings make me complete. I can be having a emotional day, then see my nieces/nephew and forget everything. There is something about children that makes me appreciate every breathe. Their innocence and love for the little things in life is what makes this world go around. Before I was pregnant, I can honestly say that I would often wonder why people kept having kids and what the joy was. Not that I don't love children, as I am a teacher but I thought they were expensive, a lot of work, and much more...Well, that has CHANGED dramatically. My father is one that still thinks that way, he will often say he thinks people would be better off not having kids. Don't get me wrong, he loves children as well but they are a TON of work etc...I have now been thinking about how awesome it would be to have 3 or 4 children. I highly doubt I will since we can't afford it financially, but I think about the joys of them growing up together. Having two girls and two boys would be so perfect for ME!

GOD has a plan...I am thankful for everything that is going on in my life. I am thankful for the laws of attraction, being able to create my own reality, and for my family. I will continue posting, and put some pictures up of the baby bump!

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